Astrology Calendar for August 2024

Astrology in August 2024 includes New Moon in Leo, Full Moon in Aquarius. Jupiter, Uranus, and Mercury retrograde invite reflection and new beginnings.

Astrology Calendar for August 2024

Curious about what the planets have planned for you? Here's the astrology calendar for August 2024 to help you understand how the cosmic events might shape your month.

Key Astrological Events:

  • New Moon in Leo
  • Venus enters Virgo
  • Mercury Retrograde
  • Mercury conjunction Venus
  • Mars conjunction Jupiter
  • Mercury leaves Virgo
  • Sun conjunction Mercury
  • Full Moon in Aquarius
  • Sun enters Virgo
  • Mercury Direct
  • Venus enters Libra

Weekly Breakdown

August 4 — New Moon in Leo

A fresh start with vibrant Leo energy. It's a great time to set new intentions, focusing on creativity, fun, and self-expression.

August 5 — Venus enters Virgo

Love and relationships become more practical. Attention to detail and acts of service take center stage.

August 5 — Mercury Retrograde

Communication mishaps and delays are common. A good time to review and rethink rather than start new ventures.

August 8 — Mercury conjunction Venus

Communication in relationships is harmonious. A great day for expressing love and creativity through words.

August 14 — Mars conjunction Jupiter

A powerful surge of energy and enthusiasm. Ideal for taking bold actions and starting new ventures.

August 15 — Mercury leaves Virgo

Thoughts and communication shift from detailed to balanced, as Mercury enters a new sign.

August 19 — Sun conjunction Mercury

Clear thinking and strong communication. Great for making plans and having important discussions.

August 19 — Full Moon in Aquarius

A time for culmination and release, particularly in community and social matters. Reflect on your role in groups.

August 22 — Sun enters Virgo

Focus turns to work, health, and daily routines. Time to organize and take care of practical matters.

August 28 — Mercury Direct

Communication and travel issues begin to clear up. It's time to move forward with plans and projects.

August 29 — Venus enters Libra

Relationships and social interactions become more harmonious. Balance and fairness are key themes.

Notable Transits

August 4: New Moon in Leo at 12°33’

August 5: Venus entered Virgo at 00°00’

August 5: Mercury Retrograde at 04°06’

August 8: Mercury conjunction Venus at 03°43’

August 14: Mars conjunction Jupiter at 16°40’

August 15: Mercury leaves Virgo at 00°00’

August 19: Sun conjunction Mercury at 26°35’

August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius at 27°14’

August 22: Sun enters Virgo at 00°00’

August 28: Mercury Direct at 21°24’

August 29: Venus enters Libra at 00°00’

This calendar highlights key astrological events in August 2024. Keep an eye on these dates to align your actions with the cosmic flow.