Astrology Calendar for September 2024

Find key astrological events in September 2024, including retrogrades, eclipses, and new moons. Discover how these transits can impact your life and relationships.

Astrology Calendar for September 2024

Wondering what the planets have planned for you? Here's the astrology calendar for September 2024 to help you understand how the cosmic events might shape your month.

Key Astrological Events:

  • Uranus Retrograde in Taurus
  • Pluto leaves Aquarius
  • New Moon in Virgo
  • Venus conjunct Lilith
  • Mars enters Cancer
  • Mercury enters Virgo
  • Full Moon in Pisces
  • Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
  • Sun enters Libra
  • Venus enters Scorpio
  • Mercury enters Libra
  • Sun conjunct Mercury

Weekly Breakdown

September 1 — Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

Uranus, the planet of change, is moving backward in Taurus. This retrograde brings reflection on stability, finances, and personal values. You may experience sudden insights or changes in these areas.

September 1 — Pluto leaves Aquarius (Retrograde)

Pluto, the planet of transformation, retrogrades back into Capricorn after briefly being in Aquarius. This period is about revisiting power structures, both personal and societal, and reconsidering deep changes.

September 3 — New Moon in Virgo

The New Moon in Virgo marks a time for setting intentions related to health, organization, and service. It’s a great opportunity to start fresh with new routines and focus on self-improvement.

September 4 — Venus conjunct Lilith

Venus, the planet of love, aligns with Lilith, the symbol of independence and empowerment. This transit can bring intense emotions in relationships and a focus on asserting your desires and boundaries.

September 4 — Mars enters Cancer

Mars, the planet of action, moves into the emotional sign of Cancer. This transit may slow down assertiveness, replacing it with a more nurturing and protective approach to your goals and ambitions.

September 9 — Mercury enters Virgo

Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Virgo, a sign it rules. This transit enhances logical thinking, attention to detail, and effective communication. It’s a good time for solving problems and getting organized.

September 18 — Full Moon in Pisces

The Full Moon in Pisces brings emotions to the surface. It’s a time of heightened intuition, creativity, and spiritual awareness. This is a good moment for releasing emotional baggage and embracing forgiveness.

September 18 — Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

This Lunar Eclipse amplifies the effects of the Full Moon in Pisces. Eclipses often bring sudden changes or realizations. Expect shifts in your emotional life, dreams, and possibly a new perspective on your spirituality.

September 22 — Sun enters Libra

The Sun moves into Libra, signaling the start of a new astrological season. Libra season is about balance, relationships, and harmony. Focus on finding peace and fairness in your dealings with others.

September 23 — Venus enters Scorpio

Venus enters passionate Scorpio, intensifying love and relationships. This transit encourages deep connections, but it can also bring possessiveness or jealousy. It’s a time for transformative love experiences.

September 26 — Mercury enters Libra

Mercury moves into Libra, emphasizing balanced communication and fair decision-making. It’s a great time for negotiations, partnerships, and addressing any conflicts in a diplomatic way.

September 30 — Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra

The Sun aligns with Mercury in Libra, highlighting clarity in communication and thought. This is an excellent day for important conversations, making decisions, and expressing yourself clearly and confidently.

Notable Transits

  • Venus conjunct Lilith: A powerful time for asserting your desires.
  • Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Expect emotional shifts and spiritual insights.
  • Sun conjunct Mercury: Clarity in communication and decision-making.

September 2024 is full of transformative and reflective energies, with significant planetary movements urging us to rethink, reorganize, and refocus on what truly matters. Embrace these shifts and allow them to guide you towards growth and balance.